A collection of my many interests: rubber stamping, health and nutrition, all things Market America, my spiritual journey, and the mishaps and quirks of my everyday life.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good Grief!

Well, it has taken me several hours, but I have finally downloaded a picture from my camera into a computer! I thought at one point that I had crashed my laptop, but my daughter got it going again. And I don't even particularly like the picture of my tag, but it will have to do. It looks better in person. Here it is:(Drumroll)

When I colored this tag with distress inks, I was going to use it to do Tim's first tag of christmas, but it was so pretty that I decided that I wanted to do something else with it, so I put it aside. I like this one way better than the one I came up with that was like Tim's. I just wish it showed up better; the snowflakes are really pretty. I layered a white flake over a blue one.Actually, I punched the blue ones out of paper that I had stamped with a clear stamp  with blue on white, but it didn't stamp well, so I decided to punch snowflakes out of it. It looks great; too bad you can't really see it. The buttons were in a bag of buttons that I found at a yard sale, It was a huge bag, and I will not need any buttons for a long while. I have found some really great buys at yard sales and flea markets lately. My daughter and I went out a few Saturdays ago, and I told God that I really, really needed a white desk for around $25.00. We went to a local flea market and one of the first booths had a white desk for $25.00! It is new, but has a few dings, which aren't very noticeable. I love it! I had been using a dresser that I got years ago at a yard sale for my desk, and when my daughter moved back in with us in September, I had to move my stuff out of the office and put it in my stamp room. I put my Big Kick on the desk and a basket of dies, and I had a nice die cutting station. Then when she moved out, I didn't want to give up the desk and move it back into the office, so I had to buy another one. Cheap! I am thrilled with my desk!
   I am going to try to take some more pictures tonight, so maybe tomorrow I will have more samples to show. I have done right much for Christmas, so at some point there will be a lot to look at.

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