A collection of my many interests: rubber stamping, health and nutrition, all things Market America, my spiritual journey, and the mishaps and quirks of my everyday life.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another Lightbulb Moment

  I just realized that, even though I understood that I am connected to God with a connection that cannot be broken, I still let my unworthiness get between me and the Lord. Whenever I talk to Him, I still have this feeling of something between us; something hindering. I have always been taught that my sin separates me from Him, and that I have to constantly confess my sins to be able to "stay in fellowship" with Him. But the light just went on: I am forgiven, my sins, past, present, and future, were taken away at the cross, and there is nothing, nothing, nothing between us! There can never be anything between us! It isn't possible. Reality is that I am loved, sacrificed for, forgiven, cleansed, and created anew, and Jesus's spirit is one with my spirit. If I feel that there is anything between us, it is my imagination, fueled by Satan's lies. Thank you Jesus!

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